In Part One I made the case that Frank Gorshin’s Riddler was the best Joker. But was he the best Riddler? In my opinion, the best Riddler is the version …
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Riddle me this, Batman: What’s the opposite of a sleuth?
The opposite of a bat isn’t a cat, though at least it’s thematic. But why a detective’s opposite number be …
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Anarchy Reigns is the best game you’re not playing. After a long wait thanks to publisher Sega’s unwillingness to bring the game over from Japan to the US, Anarchy Reigns …
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Yes, we realize you’ve already seen almost everyone’s Game Of The Year, but be kind to us; it’s our birthday.
January 1st not only marks the beginning of a brand …
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It’s become a recent trend in the age of Metacritic for gamers to question critics’ reviews. Why do so many reviews read like opinions, shouldn’t they be more objective? When …
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There’s been a lot of discussion lately about rumors that the next Xbox and PlayStation will both have some sort of system in place that keeps them from playing used games. Unsurprisingly, gamers have reacted mostly negatively to the idea of having the new-or-used choice removed from them. But I’d like to play devil’s advocate for a moment, and ask: could gamers potentially benefit from consoles that don’t play used games? Read More
Like Bizarre Creation’s Blur, Brink is a fun yet flawed multiplayer game that was released with major online connection problems, instantly crippling its chances of success.
But where the …
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When the Wii came out in 2006, the style guide for the brand made the declaration that it should be called “simply Wii, not Nintendo Wii,” making it the first Nintendo console to not include “Nintendo” in the name.
Most companies would kill for the sort of name recognition, and yet for reasons unknown they wanted to slightly distance their name from the Wii. Today the Wii is a successful brand in its own right, but one that everyone assumed Nintendo would move on from with their next console, as they’ve done with every previous one. Instead, it appears that perhaps they’re following Sony and Microsoft’s lead, and creating a “sequel” console rather than a new “Nintendo.”
Unfortunately, this is already leading to brand confusion, with many people understandably believing the Wii U to be just another Wii peripheral. Even a usually knowledgeable source like CNET initially reported today: “At E3 2011, Nintendo unveils its new iPad-like game controller called the Wii U, due out in 2012.” Read More
Yesterday, Bethesda Blog posted some impressive numbers to let people know just how deep the character customization will be when Brink comes out this Tuesday. 102,247,681,536,000,000 unique character variations, or …
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